Waller/Gardner Family Hunt



Hal and Linda Waller, Chad and Carey Gardner and their children took a family trip to Colorado over the summer and shared these photos from their album. 


Hal and Linda Waller with Chad, Carey, Tori and Preston Gardner



Hal Waller and his elk taken in Colorado



Linda Waller poses with her 2000 lb. yak that was killed with one shot at 207 yards.



Guide Jay Pratt cuts the bullet out of the Yak.



Chad Gardner and his elk taken with bow and arrow



Carey Gardner and her Elk



Tori Gardner with her Elk taken during the family's Colorado hunting trip.



Tori and family shows off Tori's buffalo


Preston proves he can keep up with the rest of his family with this impressive Elk.



Preston's Elk



See the Waller Family's Safari


If you have any news or photos to share, contact us at: bigbuckcontest@bayou.com



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